Mare Nostrum News Mare Nostrum News

Titbits and Latest News from around the Mare Nostrum

Whilst researching articles, I often come across accounts of events that make me laugh, amuse me or are just plain astounding. I call them titbits - Enjoy.

Read the latest news of archaeological discoveries and historical news from around the Mare Nostrum, the Mediterranean Sea.

Titbits and News items

Unearthing Ancient Anatolia: The World's First Company?

Date: 2024-05-29
Think companies are a modern invention? Think again! Discover the world's possible first company, established in Anatoli ...Read the article

The Bronze Age Golden Hats of Central Europe

Date: 2024-05-12
Four extraordinary artifacts, collectively known as the golden hats, have captivated archaeologists for centuries. Craft ...Read the article

Bronze Age: A Golden Age for Jewellery

Date: 2024-05-11
Gold jewellery first made an appearance in the copper age in northeastern Bulgaria. By the bronze age the elites in the ...Read the article

Dynasties. The First Kingdoms of Prehistoric Europe Exhibition

Date: 2024-05-9
Dynasties. ‘The First Kingdoms of Prehistoric Europe Exhibition’ is being held at the Archaeological Museum in Alica ...Read the article

The Nebra Sky Disc – A Bronze Age Calendar

Date: 2024-05-9
In 1999, two unlicenced treasure hunters made the find of their lives, a bronze age device that displays the world’s e ...Read the article

Floods in Libya Reveal Hidden Treasures of Ancient Cyrene

Date: 2024-02-17
Recent floods in Libya revealed hidden wonders of the ancient city of Cyrene, including Roman water channels, unknown bu ...Read the article

The world’s first courier service in the bronze age Middle East

Date: 2024-02-9
The world’s first courier service was developed during the bronze age in the Middle East between 2400 and 1200 BC. The ...Read the article

Underwater Archaeologists Discover World's Largest and Oldest Ancient Shipyard on Dana Island, Turkey

Date: 2023-11-2
The ruins of the worlds largest and oldest ancient shipyard were found in the north of the island of Dana, located along ...Read the article

Archaeologists Discover Decorated Stelae in Cañaveral de León, Spain

Date: 2023-10-5
Archaeologists have found a new decorated stela in Spain. The stela has features that are typically associated with both ...Read the article

New Discoveries at Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe

Date: 2023-10-3
Archaeologists have uncovered several new monumental statues and architectural elements at Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tep ...Read the article

Scientists Discover Europe's Oldest Shoes: 6,000-Year-Old Sandals Woven from Grass

Date: 2023-09-29
Scientists have discovered Europe's oldest shoes: a pair of sandals woven from grass that are thought to be around 6,000 ...Read the article

New Discoveries at Ancient Sunken City of Thonis-Heracleion

Date: 2023-09-27
In a recent archaeological mission by the European Institute of Underwater Archaeology (IEASM), working in collaboration ...Read the article

Archaeologists Discover Oldest Roman Forum in Iberian Peninsula

Date: 2023-09-14
A team of archaeologists in Zaragoza, Spain, have discovered the oldest Roman forum found in the interior of the Iberian ...Read the article

Archaeologists Discover Largest Concentration of Paleolithic Cave Art in Eastern Iberia

Date: 2023-09-11
A team of archaeologists have discovered the largest concentration of Paleolithic cave art in Eastern Iberia. The cave a ...Read the article

The Dolmens of La Lentejuela Teba

Date: 2023-08-23
Step into the past as we uncover the captivating story of two megalithic Bronze Age dolmens in the La Lentejuela Teba ne ...Read the article

Exploring the Hidden Daily Life of Emperor Hadrian: Unveiling Roman Fragments in Ostia Antica

Date: 2023-08-22
Step into the past with our journey to Ostia Antica, where fragments of marble slabs reveal the hidden moments of Empero ...Read the article

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