About Nick Nutter and Julie Evans About Nick Nutter and Julie Evans

Our Story

Julie and I came to live in Andalucia in 1999. Our first property was in Los Flamencos in the beautiful village of Puerto de la Duquesa on the Costa del Sol.

It was not long before we discovered that, opposite our front door, was a Roman cemetery and, only 200 metres away, the remains of a Roman fish salting factory and town on the outskirts of the neighbouring fishing village, Castillo de la Duquesa. Ancient history was on our doorstep and not buried that deep either.

Never ones to stay still, it was not long before we started to explore inland Costa del Sol and discovered a wealth of history, stunning white villages dating back to the Muslim occupation, castles perched on rocky buttresses and, as we explored further into Andalucia, monumental cities with a rich past. We walked in shady woods and along craggy ridges in the National Parks, appreciating the magnificent scenery, often without seeing another soul. We came across the native wildlife, rabbits, foxes, ibex and deer and found some of the best bird watching areas in Europe.

Without realising it, we had developed a passion for Andalucia and a desire to tell people about it. Our first magazine was called Andalucia Life and soon became a favourite read on the Costa del Sol. At the same time we were writing articles about the places we had seen and our experiences. We took thousands of photographs and even found the time to write a few books.

Life moves on and we sold Andalucia Life magazine but continued our travels in Andalucia. The articles and images mounted up. In 2015 we decided that we should create another site, Visit-Andalucia.com, that would be the best travel platform in Andalucia and appeal to residents, visitors and armchair travellers alike. Something, be it history, culture, recipes, extreme sports or travelogues, for everybody with an interest in Andalucia. In 2021 we won the ‘Best Travel Platform in Spain’ Prestige Award.

Meanwhile our interests were focusing more on the history of an expanded Mediterranean basin, mainly ancent and classical but some events that happened in modern times as well. I also realised that, despite, or in some cases because of, AI, many of these events and occurrences were inaccurately recorded in the public record and badly referenced for future researchers.

Then, early in 2023, I was approached by the secretary of a historical society asking if I would give a digital presentation to her members and remarking that many of the articles or series of articles would make good subjects for future presentations to other groups.

The concept of nuttersworld.com was born.

We both officially retired in early 2023 and sold the Visit Andalucia website. This gave us the opportunity, and time, to develop the nuttersworld concept.

© Nuttersworld 2023