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Welcome to Nuttersworld.com

Why Nuttersworld?

If I was asked to define Nuttersworld I would say it is:
‘The ancient and classical world around the Mare Nostrum. The connections made by the people of those lands within their own territories and their knowledge of the ‘barbarians’ that surrounded them.’

It was the ancient Romans who first coined the term ‘Mare Nostrum.’ However, we will be looking much further back in time than the BC/AD divide to the civilisations, societies, tribes, and chiefdoms that long preceded the Romans. Similarly, the Romans used the word ‘barbarians’ to refer to all the foreigners on the borders of their Empire who lacked Greek and Roman traditions. The 'barbarians at the gates of Nuttersworld' are the peoples beyond the Mediterranean basin with whom there has been interconnectivity since the Mesolithic period.

We will be looking at the connections between contemporaneous groups of people scattered around the Mediterranean basin. We will be considering the transfer of culture, expertise and goods, the trade networks on land and sea, how those people differed from one another and how they were comparable.

To do this we will be travelling to destinations within the basin and without, looking at archaeological sites, visiting museums and exploring the landscape against which the events that have occurred over the last few thousand years have taken place. In this way I am hoping to offer insights into how and why things happened the way they did. I find it intriguing and exciting, and I hope you will as well.

Finally, because it is my website, I will also be including accounts of some historical events that took place in the Mediterranean area that may be ancient or modern that I found unusual and fascinating or unknown and even more fascinating.

Who Will Benefit from Nuttersworld?

Ancient civilizations and their connections have long been a subject of interest for scholars, history enthusiasts, and travellers. Many people are intrigued by the interconnectedness of cultures and the exchange of ideas and goods in the Mediterranean region.

Educational and Research Value:
Nuttersworld.com provides comprehensive and well-researched information about the connections between ancient civilizations that will be valuable for students, researchers, and educators.

It will serve as a hub for accessing relevant resources, references, maps, and visualizations.

Tourists and Travellers:
The Mediterranean basin attracts a significant number of tourists interested in exploring historical sites and learning about ancient civilizations. Nuttersworld.com offers insights into the interconnectedness of these civilizations, a great resource for travellers seeking a deeper understanding of the region's history.

How Nuttersworld will work

New projects will be defined here on the website and announced in social media.

Insights and input from followers will be used, with some initial research, to develop a project plan.

Julie and I will travel to the project area and conduct on the ground research. During this phase there will be updates on social media.

On our return I will undertake further research and write the project article. Julie will look after the images, audio and video.

The project results will be posted in social media and on this website complete with all references.

What You Need To Do To Follow Nuttersworld

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© Nuttersworld 2023