Over the course of millennia, a succession of civilizations capitalized on Andalucía’s mineral wealth. The Los Millarians, the Argars, Tartessians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, and Iberians all left their mark on the region’s mining history. It was the Romans who truly transformed mining into a large-scale commercial enterprise, exploiting the vast lead mines of Linares and La Carolina, the silver lodes of Centenillo and the rich deposits of gold, silver, and copper at Rio Tinto and Tharsis.
The seven hundred year period of Muslim occupation and the three hundred years following the reconquest saw a reduction in mining activity in southern Spain. It was not until the 19th century that the mining industry in southern Spain began to enter its boom years. The rejuvenation was fuelled by foreign companies, not least the British.
Great Britain capitalized on the opportunity, becoming a leading force in Andalucían mining investment. By the end of the 19th century, over six hundred British mining companies were registered across Spain, with a remarkable 201 of them focusing their efforts on the riches of Andalucía.
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